Saturday, March 19, 2011

Taking time.

l  told you I wouldn't post everyday... I finally found some time to actually sit down and breath. This week has been so busy.  Brooks went for his 6 month check up on Tuesday and he's right on track, like I doubted that. ;) He's starting to get the best little personality! We saw the Dermatologist on's definitely eczema we're dealing with. Poor little guy. If anyone has any pointers...I'll take them!

The weather has been so nice so we took advantage and went for a couple walks after I got off work. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the breeze and soak up some much needed mommy/baby time. I sometimes get overwhelmed with guilt because I work so much and don't get to spend enough time with Brooks. I know that mothers all over the world work and I'm not alone...but it doesn't make me feel any better. I still wish I could stay home all day with him and just snuggle, read, play, eat, sing, dance, and all the other fun things we don't have near enough time to do. So, when I do have time...I take full advantage of it. And we did and it was great.

I enjoyed a fabulous, much needed massage compliments of the hubby on Friday. I could get used to getting those regularly....Cley says his wallet isn't interested. It was definitely nice to have some "me" time, even if only for an hour.
 Below I've posted some pictures of me and my little guy. It's definitely true what we hear about moms not being in enough pictures...due to us being behind the camera all the time. So, we had a mini photo shoot of just me and Brooks. Props to Cley for being such an awesome photographer. :)

                                                    There's that personality I was talking about.

That's all I have for now. Oh....Brooks did have something he'd like to add....

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                                                                Future Blogger maybe??

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"I think I'll give it a try"

So, I must first say this...I am not a writer. Although I would love to pour out continous creativeness (is that a word?), humor and deep insight as some bloggers can do, I am here to attempt to find a hobby that will encourage me to slow down and enjoy the small things in life that I often miss. By starting this blog I hope to be able to reflect on the happenings of my insane and busy life.
I really struggled over coming up with a blog title. Although it may be random...all the google help sites suggested...simple, short, catchy,....
So there it is. "Life is..."
My blog will be about one My life. Isn't that what most blogs are about anyway? So what is the scholarly meaning behind the title?
Life is....hectic, fulfilling, stressful, joyful, tragic, love, exciting, disappointing...and the list goes on and on. Life is what we make it. Right? We've all heard that so many times.  And whether it's a good day or a bad's life. It can change in a moment. I have come to realize that I neglect so many things in life. I want to make the most of it with the the people who matter most. And I don't wanna miss a thing!

I can assure you I will probably not post everyday. I'll be lucky to post once a week. So here goes...   :)